Abortion Pill Reversal
Have you taken the first abortion pill but changed your mind? It is not too late, find out what your next steps are.
is it possible to reverse the abortion pill?
Yes, reversal of the abortion pill is possible.
We know that an unplanned pregnancy can be scary and many women make the decision to abort when they are terrified and stressed. We know that after some time, many women change their minds about the decision to abort and want to keep the pregnancy.
You do have a second choice. No woman should ever feel forced to finish an abortion she regrets.
There is an effective process called Abortion Pill Reversal (or Rescue) that can reverse the effects of the first drug given during a medication abortion.
The abortion pill comes in two parts and is approved for use up to 10 weeks of pregnancy. The first chemical, mifepristone is the first pill used in a chemical abortion and blocks the effects of progesterone, a hormone necessary for a pregnancy to thrive. The second part, misoprostol, expels the baby.
The abortion pill reversal process involves a large influx of progesterone into the pregnant woman’s system. The first drug, Mifepristone blocks where progesterone would normally be absorbed, so an influx of progesterone can outcompete for the available binding spaces.
But time is of the essence, and you need to start the protocol within 24 hours of taking mifepristone. According to Abortion Pill Rescue Network there have been successful reversals when treatment was starting within 72 hours of taking the first abortion pill.
Is Abortion Pill Reversal Safe?
Yes. Bioidentical progesterone has been used to support healthy pregnancies since the 1950s, receiving FDA approval in 1998.
Today, progesterone treatment is commonly used to reduce the risk of premature birth and recurring miscarriage. In addition, progesterone supplementation is an expected part of the management of IVF pregnancies after embryo transfer and has an extensive safety record.