Considering Adoption?
Adoption is a courageous and honorable parenting choice to consider when faced with an unexpected pregnancy. At your pregnancy confirmation appointment, we can provide you with information while you decide if adoption is right for you.
While we are not an adoption agency, we can help you explore the options available to you from the type of plan to the type of family you want your child to have. Some of the different types of adoption plans include open, semi-open, and closed adoptions. When the birth mom makes an adoption plan, she (and the birth father) can both choose a family for the child and choose their own future.
Adoption resources
If you decide that adoption might be a good choice for you, we can assist you with the process and understanding all that it entails. We work closely with Nightlite Adoption Agency in Lexington, KY to give our clients a safe and loving home for those who chose adoption.
Make an appointment today to confirm your pregnancy and learn more about all your pregnancy options so you can make a fully informed choice.
Adoption Information
Learn more about open, closed, and semi-open adoptions and your legal rights in Kentucky.