There is something truly profound about an ultrasound room. I’ll never forget the experience of seeing our first son on the screen at 8 weeks of pregnancy and hearing his heartbeat. I’ll never forget the 3D images of our second son curling his lower lip into an unmistakable pout. I was very recently reminded of the power of ultrasound technology as we witnessed our third son onscreen for the very first time.

Being born in the 1980’s means I have always lived in a world where ultrasound technology exists, but the common nature of the technology has done nothing to dampen its power. Advances in ultrasound technology (such as 3D and 4D images) have only heightened the sense of awe we experience as we witness new life on the screen.
As Christians, we understand that an ultrasound image is not only a window into the womb; it is a window through which we behold the image and glory of God. In contrast to the vast majority of human history, we are living in a time where we can observe with our own eyes the truth of Psalm 139:13-14,
For you formed my inward parts; you knitted me together in my mother's womb. I praise you, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made.
The wonder of seeing an unborn child developing in the womb is a sight that should kindle in us a heart of worship. In these images we see the preciousness of new human life, made even more precious by the knowledge that each child is intricately, wonderfully knit together by their Creator.
It is no surprise, then, that these ultrasound images also kindle in us a heart that desires justice. We are now able to see clearly with our own eyes what the science of embryology and the wisdom of common sense have long agreed to be the case: the unborn are human beings. And as such, they are life worthy of life.

The recent midterm elections have shown us the continuing need to contend for the lives of the unborn. And make no mistake, we need to contend. I urge you to contend in prayer for the lives of unborn children. Contend in your conversations, boldly and compassionately speaking up for the unborn as you have the occasion. At any and every opportunity, take up the command of God in Proverbs 31:8 – “Open your mouth for the mute, for the rights of all who are destitute.” No people group is more silenced or oppressed in our nation than unborn children.
As we consider the recent failure of Amendment 2 in Kentucky and the current deliberations of our Supreme Court that could overturn our state’s abortion bans, we could be tempted to lose heart. During this time, allow Galatians 6:9 to be our guide – “Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up.”
We are ‘doing good’ every time we use our voice and our resources to defend helpless unborn boys and girls who bear the image of God. Convinced of this, we will press on in faith, trusting that our Lord will produce a rich harvest through these efforts: children saved, families flourishing, and every human life truly valued as being worthy of life.