My wife and I recently found out that we are expecting our third child, due to be born next April. When we found out she was pregnant, we had a mix of emotions: joy, excitement, anticipation, nervousness (we’ll be outnumbered by our kids!), and, above all, thankfulness. We are so thankful that God has blessed us with another child, and are filled with so much love for this precious new life. We are especially blessed in that these emotions are shared by our families and friends, who are likewise eagerly awaiting the arrival of baby #3.
In our work at Marsha’s Place Pregnancy Resource Center, we have the opportunity to minister to many women and men who experience very different emotions upon learning they are pregnant. Many of these women and men experience great fear, uncertainty, and hopelessness due to a whole range of factors. Some are overwhelmed by the financial burden of having a child; some feel ill-prepared for the responsibilities of being a parent; many women don’t have the full support of the baby’s father; many couples don’t have the encouragement of their families and friends.
This is why your partnership with us at Marsha’s Place is so powerful. For moms and dads who are feeling overwhelmed and fearful due to an unexpected pregnancy, we have the opportunity to be a source of support, a wealth of encouragement, and a voice of hope.

We provide pregnancy testing and ultrasounds to confirm and date the mom’s pregnancy. We provide referrals to an amazing group of local doctors for ongoing pregnancy care. With our Earn While You Learn program, we help to lift the financial burden of having a child, providing diapers, wipes, formula, clothing, car seats, strollers, and pack-n-plays at no cost. We help moms and dads flourish in their responsibilities as a parent through in-person and online educational resources. We do all of this (and more!) in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ.
This year we’re on track to serve 100 more clients than we served in 2021. The demand for our services is on the rise, but we are able to meet those needs because of incredible supporters like you. Thank you so much for loving and supporting families right here in our community.
Until Every Life is Cherished,
Jared Marshall - Executive Director